Your neck often shows visible signs of aging faster than other parts of your body. After all, the skin on your neck is thin; even thinner than the skin on your face. Weight gain, weight loss, lax muscles or just lousy genetics make the issue even worse causing wrinkles, sagging skin and a double chin.
Fortunately, you don’t have to live with crepey skin or a turkey wattle. More options exist than ever before to restore your neck to what it used to be. Whether you’re looking for the least invasive non-surgical option or are ready to embark on a permanent surgical solution, Dr. Phillip Garcia, founder of Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery, located in Jacksonville, Florida, is available to help you identify the solution that will give you the results you want. So many exciting new technologies and techniques have been developed in the past few years to give you a smooth, sleek neckline.
Ultherapy® tops the list of most desirable new lift techniques. You may have seen it featured on popular television shows such as Good Morning America, 20/20, The Doctors and Dr. Oz. Ultherapy® uses ultrasound technology to penetrate deep into the dermal layers to smooth, lift and tighten your skin. It’s the only FDA-approved non-surgical, procedure clinically proven to increase collagen and regenerate tissue. After two to three months, patients who have been treated with Ultherapy® have enjoyed dramatic results without any downtime.
If you are bothered by a double chin, known in the plastic surgery world as submental fullness, Kybella® is another popular non-surgical solution. Kybella® is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment designed to reduce fat under your chin. Kybella® is an innovative treatment because it actually destroys the fat producing cells beneath your chin. Once the fat cells are destroyed, the cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. The number of necessary treatments varies from patient to patient, but once you reach your desired goal, no further treatments are expected. Six treatments are the maximum number recommended.
Extensive contouring can be done with liposuction. Patients need to have adequate skin and muscle tone for this procedure to be effective. Liposuction, which has a shorter recovery time than a full neck lift, removes the fat from the subcutaneous tissue layer in your neck. It creates a more youthful, shapely neck and jaw line.
Neck Lifts 
Neck lifts are the surefire long lasting way to get a firmer, more defined jaw and neckline. Although the procedure is more invasive than other neck tightening treatments, neck lifts are a permanent, sure-fire fix.
When selecting the appropriate treatment for your neck, your age, facial structure, genetics, lifestyle and preference are all factors that come into play. Dr. Phillip Garcia is available to consult with you to develop a treatment plan that’s right for you. To schedule a consultation, call (904) 495-0975 or contact us via e-mail at
If you’re thinking about a neck lift and are curious to see what people look like after their procedures, be sure to check out our before and after photos. These patient photos taken by the staff at Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery will help you see how much improvement is possible with each type of procedure.