Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery
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Just Had Your Rhinoplasty Surgery?

This page contains all of your post-surgery instructions. Conveniently located in Jacksonville, Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery, led by double board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Phillip Garcia, offers rhinoplasty for men and women residing in Ponte Vedra Beach, Orange Park, Lakeside and nearby areas in North Florida.

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Scheduled Rhinoplasty Surgery?
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Thinking About Rhinoplasty Surgery?
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Recovery is perhaps the most important step of the rhinoplasty process. After having your rhinoplasty surgery, youneed to take great care in the following weeks and months to be gentle on your body and let it heal as needed. Mostof this involves resting and following the post-operative guidelines provided by Dr. Garcia. Keep reading to learneverything you need to know about the rhinoplasty recovery process.

Rhinoplasty in Jacksonville, FL

– Alicia’s Before & After Pictures

Essential Surgical Documents For You To Review

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Rhinoplasty Post Operative Cleaning Video


Real Patient Journeys

Rhinoplasty in Jacksonville, FL
Rhinoplasty in Jacksonville, FL
Rhinoplasty in Jacksonville, FL

What is Recovery from Rhinoplasty Like?

Most of the swelling inside and outside the nose after nasal surgery will be gone oneweek after the surgery. Most patients are able to breathe through their nose two to three days after the surgery. All splints and tapes are removed seven days after the operation. After your nose surgery, we will
follow your results for one year.

You will have to observe some restrictions following rhinoplasty. Typically, you will be required to refrain from strenuous activities for two weeks and heavy lifting for three weeks. You should avoid all contact sports or activities that may produce trauma to the nose for six weeks. Although you will be able to visibly appreciate the results of the procedure after a couple of weeks, it takes a full year before the final results can be fully appreciated.

How Soon After My Rhinoplasty Will My Before and After Photo Be Taken?

We will take your rhinoplasty before and after pictures three months after the nasal surgery. The rhinoplasty photo is an important part of the three-month visit to Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery. At that time, the before and after nose surgery photographs will be analyzed by Dr. Garcia and the patient.

A Post Surgery Message From Dr Garcia

Dr. Garcia reminds patients that the recovery process is the most important phase in the rhinoplasty journey. At this point, the final rhinoplasty results are entirely dependent on the patient. During the initial recovery period, the nose will be incredibly fragile, so it is imperative that patients closely follow their recovery guidelines. We’re here to help you through the recovery process in any way we can, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions along the way.

Educational Videos

Frequently Asked Rhinoplasty Surgical Questions


  • How long does it take to recover from a nose job?

    The nose job recovery process is complex, as it requires an initial period of downtime, followed by some restrictions and mild symptoms, after which point patients can finally resume their normal lifestyles. Even at this point, however, it can take several more months for residual swelling to completely fade and reveal the full results of treatment. For most patients, the nose job recovery timeline looks like this:

    Week 1In the first few days of recovery, patients will need to rest as much as possible with very limited activity.Patients can expect bruising, swelling and discomfort during this time that can be managed with medications andother recovery techniques. Light walking is permitted and encouraged, but patients should not be working orparticipating in any strenuous activities.

    Week 2Most patients return to work during or after the second week of recovery. During this week, patients start easingback into their routines, but still have some limitations on their physical activities.

    Weeks 3-6During this period, patients should be almost completely back to their normal routine as major side effects fade.Patients will still need to abstain from strenuous exercise and sporting activities that could cause trauma to thenose, as it will continue to be fragile through the end of this period.

    Months 3-6At this stage, most visible side effects should have healed and patients should be back to their normal routineswithout any restrictions. You will also have a 3-month follow-up visit with Dr. Garcia to assess your results andtake before and after photos.

    Months 6-12In some cases, minor swelling can persist through the first year of rhinoplasty recovery. Although you will beable to visibly appreciate the results of the procedure after a couple of weeks, it may take as long as a fullyear before the final results can be fully appreciated

  • Is there pain after rhinoplasty?

    While the rhinoplasty procedure is not painful at all, patients should expect some pain during the rhinoplastyrecovery. It is during this period where the body is healing and feels the trauma of the surgical process.Fortunately, this pain should only last a few days, and can be managed with pain medications and otherpost-operative techniques.

  • How long is your nose fragile after a nose job?

    The nose will be particularly fragile after rhinoplasty for approximately 6 weeks. After this period, the boneswill have fully healed and the nose will be more resistant to trauma that could interfere with your results. Forthis reason, it is typically about 6-8 weeks after surgery that patients are able to resume most exercise andstrenuous activities.

  • How long after a nose job can you smile?

    You’ll be able to smile freely after your nose job, but you may notice that your smile looks slightly differentdue to swelling in the nose. Many patients observe that their smile looks less pronounced. However, the smiletypically returns to normal after 1-2 months after most of the swelling heals. Because residual swelling canpersist as long as a year after rhinoplasty, it’s possible that temporary changes in the smile can also continuefor as long as a year, in rare cases.

  • Is it okay to sneeze after rhinoplasty?

    It is strongly advised to avoid sneezing after rhinoplasty for at least the first week. A sneeze can place stresson the nose through a build-up of pressure, causing bleeding and other trauma that can interfere with yourresults. If you have to sneeze, it is best to sneeze with your mouth open to harm the nose as little as possible.

  • What happens if I accidentally hit my nose after rhinoplasty?

    Generally, most minor hits to the nose after rhinoplasty will not cause severe damage. However, they can be quitepainful depending on the patient’s progress in the healing process, and can cause additional swelling or bruising.If you experience a severe impact to the nose, you should immediately consult Dr. Garcia to determine if there isany underlying damage. If there is, a secondary or revisional rhinoplasty procedure may be necessary.

  • With the right preparation and by following the guidelines we provide, your rhinoplasty recovery can be quick and comfortable. Most importantly, an optimal recovery process will leave you with beautiful rhinoplasty results. To learn more about the rhinoplasty recovery process or schedule your consultation with Dr. Garcia, contact us today. We welcome patients from Jacksonville, Lakeside, Ponte Vedra Beach and the nearby areas of North Florida.